Friday, February 07, 2003
Extreme late. Working through some tour ideas for the Full Sail site. Here are some of the notes just for this section.

I should try to find some sleep sometime before it hits 4 am. Sometimes, with the right blend of music and design energy, I can be up all night (or all morning as it were) and not really feel it until something makes me look down at the time. You can find a great sense of where the project is going and start to feel the piece fitting together in your mind - so you have to push through and get those ideas or solutions painted out on-screen.

3:41 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Thursday, February 06, 2003
Latest report on the new connection here at the loft. Still getting a steady 4mbs. It has slowed from the 4.6mbs - but I'm not complaining, it is still a lot of bandwidth. There have been two times where I've been around that the connection gets washed out and you can't get out. I can't stand that - super fast or not. Wireless pipelines coming in always have some flake to them. Hope that it is just settling in and they can make it a bit more concrete.

Work is so chalked full of projects right now. It is always a great problem to have to solve the scheduling, but you also have to be sure that you are able to deliver the highest quality work to the client. We keep that up front when we get into the chaos of a really busy month. I'm off - the keyboard needs to be writing some code now.

12:09 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, February 03, 2003
Off to Florida for a meeting. Getting up at 6 am just ain't my bag.

Back already. Had a good meeting and seem to have all the details worked out. Time to nail down the design and get into the land of Flash again.