Thursday, February 13, 2003
Big breakthrough on the design process today (Full Sail site). One of those times when you just know you finally have it and then pages seem to build themselves off the new style you have created. Looks like I may make that Friday deadline after all.

Picked up a new carpet for the Wiretree studio. It looks really good. When I think about it I'll snap a photo of it. Sounds strange, but I hurt my back putting the carpet in place - when the photo is up here you'll see why. It has been two days and I think that I can finally stand up straight without too much pain. Note to self: when something ways 400lbs (literally) don't try to set it down easy just let it fly - cause you ain't stopping it anyway.

2:02 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Tuesday, February 11, 2003
My headphones.

Lately, I have been listening more to random web-based music through all the new iTunes radio stations. House music, Reggae, Ambient, Electric - kind of all over the board. It is great to have such a resource to reach out to and open your ears to so many different types of music. I'm pretty into it because I like to listen to tunes that aren't all over the public radio, it is more of a discovery that way. You can attach yourself to something that you would have never heard otherwise because it didn't make it through the bland filter of the mass transit stations.

12:05 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, February 09, 2003

11:27 PM  |  PERMALINK