Friday, April 04, 2003
Ugh. What a day. Big ups and big downs and lots of phone calls inbetween. I can finally claim a Friday night as work-free! So, I'm going to do something with it. Sleep is the plan for tommorow then I have some items to get back to work on.
6:25 PM  |  PERMALINK    

I can tell my kids that I got to see MJ play.

12:20 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Thursday, April 03, 2003
Full Sail should go live in a matter of minutes! It is a quiet launch for a week, but nobody reads this blog anyway - so I'm not hurting anyone. This is one of those heart and soul projects. I hope that everyone's creative thoughts and efforts to craft this amazing site shine through. Without a doubt I believe they do. Props to our data head team at Wiretree and to the talented camp of coders and design pimps at Full Sail in Florida. Can't leave out T-dog, cause he knows how much I dig those icons!

This was a real experience and I'm proud of the outcome.

1:30 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Wednesday, April 02, 2003
I'm working so much lately that when I do finally end up at home (like tonight at 12:15) I feel like I can't go right to bed. I'm crazy tired, warn out and blitz in the head, but something in me feels obligated to say, "Hey your at home now (like it is normal getting off work time) now I can do something else." Need to find the switch and flip that off, so I can just crash.
12:25 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, March 31, 2003
In thought.

12:05 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, March 30, 2003
Some new photos from this weekend. The shot below of the bridge is pretty dramatic, but that really doesn't show the half of it. This location is an out of use old bridge that used to go over the railroad tracks in the area. It is now home to many people who live on the street. There are many structures built out of boards and garbage along the sides of the pathway. Sad and eye-opening at the same time.

11:15 PM  |  PERMALINK