Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Apple releases the iTunes4 Music Library. Think about it. It is all I can do but not think about it. Finally it seems as though someone has put together a scenario that works from everyone's perspective (the artist, the labels, the listeners/shoppers/buyers and the technology company behind it). Apple is a solid company in my book, they keep doing cool things and hitting run homes because they take the risk of doing it from a creative perspective. They dream. They inspire. They deliver.

The music model is changing and there is so much to be done, so much to be a part of. Just wrote down three new business ideas that this occurrence has made me aware of. My mind is moving with ideas and thoughts on the new "tangible" of buying a digital product. It falls in our hands to mold the way we interact with media and what it does to make you want to own it. And that is why I'm in - for those open roads that haven't been traveled just yet.

11:26 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Found this old sign, brought it home and started taking pictures of it. It just seemed to have such a simple yet unique look to it. The metal frame is weathered and frosted invert of the type is peeling away. Very cool. Zoom it up.

1:44 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, April 28, 2003
Matt and I did some serious cleaning up of the Wiretree studio today. Man did it need it. In addition to a good scrubbing we mounted speakers through the main studio area so that we could enjoy some lovely elevator music from all angles. I think everyone is going to be happily surprised at how much of a difference the major cleaning made. Lets hope they are, because my back sure hurts tonight.

12:40 AM  |  PERMALINK