Friday, June 06, 2003
I did a quick photo shoot for a client this week. Here are some of the abstract things I captured.

11:24 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Woke up at 6 a.m. this morning, which is way out of the ordinary for me (I prefer to operate on Californian time). I directed a video shoot today for an upcoming Wiretree project. Now I'm on to editing and integration into the website.

4:18 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, June 02, 2003
Seems like it was the filter after all. You can notice much more air flowing in and cooler air exiting the projector. So, that means I now have a spare bulb. Tomorrow I'll place the old lamp back in and see if I can get some more hours out of it.
11:18 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Projector woes. I thought my bulb in the projector went out (because the light came on red over the Lamp indicator). So, bought a new bulb - expensive - installed it in a snap. I was thrilled that it was so easy. Then... click project shuts off in about 15 minutes of use. Hmm. So, I crack out the manuel and start reading. Turns out it may just be getting too hot inside all of a sudden and a dusty filter may be to blame. I read about that and then checked it out - sure enough the filter was caked with dust.

Clicked her back on and I'm in observation mode. Wish me luck.

10:33 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, June 01, 2003
Some great comments came in about the Full Sail site, because of its place on Macromedia's showcase. I think that I have answered all those with questions, but if I missed you it is due to my over running issues with junk mail. I get some many crazy You Need This mailings that I just start to delete them in groups. Must figure this out and do something about it.

Beautiful weather today. Sat up on the rooftop and enjoyed it for while. Talked to my Dad who was going through old magazines and throwing some out after all these years of keeping so many of them. I do the exact same thing - Wired magazine - I may have all most all of them. Just keep them, I don't know why. I guess it is because the technology industry (and trends that surround it) are so interesting when you look back on them. You always hear people talk about Internet time and how it is much faster than normal time (in the sense that advancements and change happen so often). So going back through Wired is a real trip. Red Herring is somewhat the same, but I finally through those out.

10:15 PM  |  PERMALINK