Saturday, June 28, 2003
Apple. Above all else, above all the junk that people get into about OS vs. OS - I really respect Apple for breaking new ground all the time. They continue to bring us closer to all those amazing abilities that create the landscape of our future in computing and whatever is next.

For some reason I get really jazzed about technology and how it keeps building the bridges for everyone to use in a myriad of ways. I'll watch something like Pirates of Silicon Valley and get completely inspired. It is because of the story behind it all. These people had dreams and they were determined to make them a reality - even though nothing like it existed in the world. I watch all of Steve Jobs Keynote speeches. Everytime, regardless of what is announced or what hoopla is going on, these talks always get me thinking. Why is that? It is because everytime they are talking about breaking new ground, doing something that hasn't been done yet and just nailing it - NAILING IT. That is passion. They just don't break into a hundred new things and do a crappy job at it. They create intelligent breakthroughs. They think it through before it even exists. That is a strong methodology to follow and respect. They innovate.

9:53 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Booked a flight to NYC. Looking forward to that. I'm heading up there for the FlashForward conference and to take some pictures of the city at night. I'm in and out just one day one night kind of deal, but I just got back from a vacation so I don't want to spend too much time away from work. Should be a fun experience.
2:16 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Back from the trip. It was a good time, surfed, golfed, visited Sony's Metreon (a very tempting place for me to be with a credit card), went to a conference and hung out with my brother.

11:27 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, June 22, 2003
'Surfing's the source man, it'll change your life - swear ta-god". One of the great quotes from Point Break. You hear a lot of people who talk very passionately about riding waves. Seriously... I can see what they mean, once you stand up on one and ride it all the way in for the very first time, there is a light that flips on in your head. It is a great experience. Takes work to paddle out and time to find the waves. Give it a run if you ever have the chance.

We took a short lesson to start the day in the right direction. This was our instructor and his van.

I also went golfing for the first official time. My brother is very good! But, I hung in there and made par on a few of the holes, so I was pretty happy about that. I've spent a lot of time at the driving range, just never done the real thing. Here is the last hole on the course... pretty nice, huh?

10:48 PM  |  PERMALINK