Tuesday, July 01, 2003

The best part is you can't read a word I said because it is all in Korean symbols, so all you can do is read my name and the word Wiretree every now and then and look at all the pictures. There is a head shot of me in there looking all serious (ha ha). The magazine itself is great - really high profile designers (a lot from the us in this issue, maybe it is about designers in the US - who knows - I can't read Korean!).

Matt was holding it from me because they wanted to get it framed for me, but then thought I might want to see it in the magazine first. So, now we'll get it framed and put it above the crapper here at work!

10:44 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, June 30, 2003
My brother just got engaged! Congrats to Larry & Kerri.

12:35 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, June 29, 2003
Makes you go hmm:
You cannot fold a piece of paper in half more than six times, no matter what the size. Give it a shot.

These are great robot sculptures_A :: robot sculptures_B