Saturday, October 25, 2003
Hope I can wake up for the trip. It's 3am and I'm still running around doing things. I'm pretty terrible about leaving in the midst of things. I'm always doing too much work and so I'll spend all my time up until the wire focused on getting ahead on that. Then it is crazy trying to think about real life and packing crap to get gone. Good thing Cooper keeps this house in check.
3:17 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Headed up to VA for the weekend. I don't look forward to going to the airport. I'm not the best at being "early" and these days you have to be or it all goes very wrong. The whole travel thing is a hassle in general, the airline route take about 5 hours out of your day no matter how short your flight is. That is crazy!
1:21 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Friday, October 24, 2003
Wake in the morning.

Spam mail.

Produce some design comps.

Spam mail.

Grab a client phone call.

Spam mail.

Lunch it up at Steak'n'Shake.

Spam mail.

Create some html pages.

Spam mail.

Flash up some swifty graphics.

Spam mail.

Go home to chill out.

Spam mail.

Spam mail.

Ugh, the damn spam is with you all day long. Sick and tired of that. They got the phone solicitors, hope they hit the spammers up next.

1:08 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Bow down to the coolest marketing billboard ever!

11:27 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Got a great surprize this morning. Well it did start off with a loud knock on my door at 8am after a long night at work, but hey. Full Sail sent me a framed layout of the GetIn magazine article that I was in. It looks really cool - they are some real nice kids down there. Thanks to Jay and Gary!
8:29 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Took everything out and put everything back in. 4 hour adventure in changing the desk layouts at Wiretree. My new area turned out pretty cool. I have about the same amount of space if not more and I think it is going to work out great. We have another hombre starting tomorrow and had to make room for two work areas, thus pushing my area back. But hey, check out my Mac laptop station right in front of the window - Rockin!

12:38 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, October 19, 2003
Great book by Brian Taylor - the one man show. Finally found something that was inspiring again. Brian is a testament to the dedication of a creative spirit who just wants to do things the best they can be. His work is amazing, but his story and drive are even more so.

10:39 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Finished the storage closet. Looking good. I'll swing a few pictures up here soon. Going to takle the bedroom closet next, hope to find some time tomorrow to do that. I may even get up early to get a start on things cause I have some things to pick up and got to run into the office to prepare a few things for a meeting.

Weekends should be 3 days. 4 days on 3 days off. Makes sense, no?