Saturday, November 01, 2003
Wiretree's website made it into a feature in Web Designing Magazine over in Japan. The editor sent me a copy airmail.

6:46 PM  |  PERMALINK    

"I'm not saying I'm going to change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." - Tupac

11:09 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Friday, October 31, 2003
Just took down all the shelving in the main bedroom closet. Oh man! You can tell how many times people tried to redo the shelving system in this area. I ripped everything out and had to patch 65 HOLES. Damn! So, now I'm going to make some holes of my own - good thing is that with the stuff I got you just mount a top braket and that is it (the rest hangs from that). I even have these cool drawer baskets mounted along the bottom - very cool. I'm loving the way this turned out! I even went the extra mile and arranged shirts by color (oh man I'm getting way too into details).

7:36 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Shots of the storage closet that I finshed up a few weeks ago. The two big cabinet things in the back hide a lot of clutter. Hiding clutter is good - rule goes like this - the more junk you can hide from sight the better.

12:16 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Thursday, October 30, 2003
Been watching the tv series 24 on DVD. Great show. Still have many discs to go just to catch up so I guess I won't be watching the current season that just kicked off - got to wait for the DVDs again. It is great watching it that way, better overall I think.

Should have construction starting on the new loft this coming Monday. Can't wait for that, it will be a mess for a while.

12:24 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, October 27, 2003
Back from the quick trip up to VA to see my parents. Here are the snapshots. Got on a plane. Landed and got to work. Helped my dad move his office from the basement level to the main level. The desk was heavy and then we hooked the computer and a bunch of lights up. Ate some home cooking from mom. Then moved a couch and another desk downstairs. Next was the entertainment center (VCR, DVD, TIVO, CABLE BOX, TV, etc.). It was some good exercise. Woke up at 5am and flew home.

12:46 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, October 26, 2003
Made it up to VA no sweat (thanks to my headphones and iPod). Amazing how much you can think about when you pull yourself completely out of your normal environment and further seperate yourself from that already strange place by closing out and listening to music. My headphones block so much of the outside sounds of life that you feel removed from the scene, like your in the editing room watching the playback of what everyone else was doing that day. I love that.
12:20 AM  |  PERMALINK