Saturday, December 06, 2003
It's that time again. Green Screen Time. We had a great shoot today, did well on time and got wrapped early! Matt's craft services were top notch. Here is what my Saturday looked like.

5:25 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Friday, December 05, 2003
Duct work.

1:24 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Why can't someone make a reality show about someone intelligent - someone's journey in life that makes a difference and inspires people. Most of the shows highlight stupidity and ignorance - are we not bored with that yet? Imagine if you followed someone with some potential (not just a fat pocket) and captured a turning point in that kind of life. Imagine if you were able trail someone developing a new invention and that invention proved itself and brought about major change in our lives. Now that would be interesting to have the before and after story of that process.

Construction update.

11:22 PM  |  PERMALINK