Saturday, December 13, 2003
Thrashers! My 1st game of the season. They have actually been doing very well this year and I showed up for a great game. Thrashers whooped the Penguins 6 to 3. Some great goals. I love being able to walk to the games from my place and walk back home past all the cars stuck in traffic trying to inch down the roads.
1:07 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Thursday, December 11, 2003
Greenfire is still here finishing up. Sprinklers are up (or I should say down now). Had to have the sprinklers above the new office area modified to point downward so that they could protrude out from the ceiling element that is going in. They are re-running the water to the pipes to be sure all is on the up and up.

12:28 PM  |  PERMALINK    

A thought occurred to me. I began to write. Many ideas come and go, I know certain things should be pursued and others simply entertained in imagination. Why is it that there is not enough time in the day or a schedule that could provide us with more time and means to follow through on our thoughts? That alone is an element already working against you, but follow your ideas - make something happen. There is no goal worth achieving if the path to it is without challenge.
2:19 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Got to find the right method of getting this paint off the brick. The building is over 100 years old, so sandblasting is not the 1st choice. Peel Away is what I'm looking into now.

11:48 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Tuesday, December 09, 2003
More volleyball tonight. That is the only thing keeping me in any kind of shape. I also start lifting weights again to keep up with the level of the Men's USA league this year. We have a good team and the National Tournament is in Atlanta this year (usually have to travel to it, but now it is right at home - so, we gotta represent A town).
11:18 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, December 08, 2003
On the road. Took these photos with my CLIE trying to catch the blast of really bright sunlight coming in. Each shot has the same treatment on it (b&w to color wash). I really like the look of the 1st one.

11:56 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, December 07, 2003
Superfish method.