Thursday, February 19, 2004
So, I'm recovering from the iPod incident. Deep breathe. Yeah I'm fine. Heading to Nashville tomorrow for a few meetings. Driving up and directly back for a volleyball tournament on Saturday. Man I'm looking forward to my vacation.
11:58 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Coop Does Damage. A new film, no - an incident that happened tonight. My cat Cooper decided to wig out and go running across the room. Ducking under the computer desk she got hung up a bunch of cables. Here is the bad news. She brought down my Mac Cube - it just went tumbling down. So I'm not happy. Then I go to see the damage and find that the Mac - the whole computer - landed on my iPod!!! Shit. That just isn't cool at all. It still works but is all messed up.

1:00 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, February 16, 2004
Saw this bizzare film tonight. I'm not sure I got it at all, but it had a cool style. It's up to you on seeing this one, strange indeed - that is my review.

12:10 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, February 15, 2004
Grabbed these shots tonight. The trees turned out pretty cool.

11:51 PM  |  PERMALINK    

It's all about "If then, else." An understanding of variables and state tracking can allow you to do some pretty sophisticated programming. Most of the time I go for elegance in the way something 'operates.' So, it is paramount that I'm able to sense, in a programmatic way, where the viewer is and then rollout the proper scenario based on that. All very cool to me - it is like figuring out a puzzle that constantaly changes so you have to think through the entire journey of possibilities.