Saturday, March 13, 2004
The Peak. This is Larry and myself getting over the rocky peak at Snowbird. It was quite the trek to get all the way across the face of the mountain to the run we wanted to try. Note: I wiped out right after these photos - total yardsale.

2:10 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Oh man am I sunburnt. Ouch!

Killer day boarding - it was so nice. I have never been out when the weather is so nice. I was in a long sleeve shirt and no gloves. But, now I'm burnt crispy - i know, my fault. Aloe to the rescue.

1:09 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, March 08, 2004
I started my journey at 90 mph. My ride to the airport was still sleeping when I called just to see if they were still coming to get me. So, we blasted down to the airport, did the obligitory dash through the gates and somehow - we made it on!
1:06 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Time to go. Just called Eric and woke him up. Got to rush for the airport, then off to SLC.