Saturday, March 27, 2004
Coop dog is always keeping a look out - keeping the streets safe.

12:38 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Well, one side of the loft is clean. They came in and did a clean and seal on the floor and, "I'm shinning man" (said like 50cent). It's pretty funny cause the other side of the place in comparison is looking dull as a rock right now. That is what carpets are for, right?

12:24 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Friday, March 26, 2004
Great day outside. Reminds me of playing volleyball when I was down in Florida. I used to play a BudLight tournament every weekend it seemed, but the weather was always incredible. Spring is good.
2:18 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Thursday, March 25, 2004
Some shots from the Vegas show. 1st one was this cool 360 LED billboard display. It had this chick in there walking around and posing with the phone. Next are some whacky manicans - cool looking, but strange. Last was the LED ball-o-text.

3:16 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Wednesday, March 24, 2004
France Pants

What's this - a fashion review? No, but rather an introduction to a key character in the following story. While abroad (well, in Vegas) I bought some pants from France - that I of course call my France Pants. Spending some of the winnings as your supposed to, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and the same goes for currency. Any currency brought or won in Vegas stays in Vegas - you just choose where to leave it.

The Red-Eye flight back from Vegas. I had the whole row to myself, so I laid down to sleep through it all. Couldn't sleep much, but was feeling lucky to have all the space. So, we land and everyone is dead tired. We move ourselves off the plane and onto the tram. I was slick and did all carry on, so I'm jetting out to my car already looking forward to getting home to sleep.

Arrive at the car and try to pick the proper pocket where my keys should be. Boom there they are right there on the first try. Then I did the pat. You know, where you hit your pockets to be sure all is still with you. Well, all was not still with me. WHERE IS MY WALLET! Yup, lost my wallet on the plane and the France Pants were to blame. I put the wallet in my front pocket, which I don't normally do, and when trying to lay down to sleep on the plane it must have jumped out.

So, let me recap. I just landed on the red-eye flight, so that is the state I'm in. Never the less, I trudge back towards the terminal with the thoughts of credit cards and driver license woes. Showtime - I went from zero to charm in record time knowing that I had to have a certain attitude to get some Delta help.

I cruise up to the first counter person I see and start to give him the low down. He was helpful, but couldn't do much for me besides trying to call the gate and that wasn't working. He tried to get me a gate pass so I could run down to the plane --- but --- I have NO ID (cause I have no wallet)! So, he was stuck and told me I would have to wait for the Delta Information desk to open. That wasn't supposed to happen for another 40 minutes and my wallet, if on the plane, would be on it's way to Tampa by that time.

So, I walk over to the Info Desk seeing that they just turned on the lights. Lucky me. So, I motion to them outside their glass window asking to come in. They let me and it went like this. I greet them and ask if I can get some assistance. The reply was, "You can only ask one question, so make it a good one." The charm-o-tron needed to be on point and... it was. With a quick bit of humor, I was in.

The guy behind the desk was incredibly cool and was walky-talking to all kinds of people right away. Then he says let me getting you a gate pass so you can go down to the plane and check it out. The other guy was trying to find a way to do that and no luck, but this guy was very wise in the way of the Delta tribe. Bzzarrtpt, Bzzarrtpt, and out prints my mack daddy security clearance. I'm pretty cool now (still in my France Pants). Then he walks me to the security check and slips me right through parting people left and right - just awesome.

Now I'm on my own again and heading to the gate. I get there and there are two ladies at the desk (plane is still outside). I give them the skinny in rapid and succinct fashion and ask to get on the plane. They in turn said they could go check one last time, but the cleaning crew had already been through. Outlook not good. So, one lady tromps down the extender walkway to the aircraft. She is on there for quite some time. Then I hear the footsteps and I prepare for the worst. She comes out and says you owe me big - SHE FOUND IT!! Whew, what a relief. I gave her a big hug and thanked her 40 or 50 times before I went on my way.

So, that is my insane adventure that I was only half awake for. Somehow I got home with all my stuff, plus a funny story about it all. Sure glad I didn't have to renew my USA volleyball card!

I'm going to sleep now.

7:20 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Got to skip out on the last photo task for GlobalShop because of some miscomm with person A and person C, D or F - who knows. But alas the awards ceremony I was going to shoot the winners of turned out to be just a party there were no people getting awards there, so I'm guessing that means it didn't need to happen.

So, I've now got another mini-stint to play in Vegas. 5 hours till my flight. Double down. Hard eights and always bet on black!

9:43 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Monorail to New York, New York: Gallagers: Steak. Cab ride with BP and a great story about crash landing a plane. MGM: Lions. Ceasars: Lounge singers. Cab: The B water show: to the Luxor. I haven't gambled a single cent, wonder if I will before I go. Have to shoot just one thing tomorrow and get that posted then I'm free and clear (but the shot might be another award show at the end of the day).
2:58 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, March 22, 2004
Staying at the Luxor. Room is pretty cool, big slanted window (cause of the shape of course). I've walked all around inside and found a McDonalds up in here. Isn't that strange? But, HotCakes sounded good to me.
7:26 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, March 21, 2004
Vegas baby, Vegas.