Friday, July 02, 2004
One of the best chefs I've met at Benihana's. This guy was fast, funny and all together money. We took the guys out to lunch today and were entertained by our new friend Marco.

1:43 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Cars in the parking lot today. One of them is a $250,000 car and one just had great character without spending all that cash.

10:17 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Brand - the most tangible intangible in the business of creative marketing. If you haven't heard this word yet, it's coming your way and I assure you it will hunt you like a top 40 single that gets way too much airplay. I fully understand what a 'brand' is, and that is why I'd like to get back to focusing on the idea behind the message of what your trying to communicate. After all, if you take a step back, that is what solidfies your brand. What people hear, see & interact with - do those things your way (at the best level you can execute them) and you have already set your tone. It's not that you spent a bundle on talking about what it means to you, you simply got out there and created something. Dig?

2:13 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Thursday, July 01, 2004
Some things I saw today.

8:20 PM  |  PERMALINK    

This is really cool - Atlanta Time Machine - I love seeing the change (good or bad it is always interesting to see the drastic differences that time brings about).
1:32 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Got the stream for the Keynote from Jobs. Watching it now and I'm, as always, enjoying it way too much. "We used to dream about this stuff, now we get to build it." -- Steve Jobs. At the WWDC in San Francisco they put up these huge posters that were poking fun at Microsoft. You have to love a company that puts it out there like that.

1:19 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Monday, June 28, 2004
It's that time again. Keynote speech from Jobs at the Moscone Center. I'm trying to find the stream to watch it. One bit of news from it already: Apple releases new displays today.