Friday, August 20, 2004
Ah, to be a billionaire. Google is now public. Yesterday's Nasdaq closing price gives the company a market valuation of more than $27 billion, higher than not only an Internet company such as Seattle's, but also industrial giants such as Lockheed Martin and General Motors.

And on paper, at least, Brin and Page are now billionaires, and among Google's 2,300 employees, there are now about 1,000 millionaires.

12:50 AM  |  PERMALINK    

Thursday, August 19, 2004
I emailed Josh Rubin (of Cool Hunting a site that I hit all the time) about posting Medium Footwear's site, cause he has a dedicated sneaker section on his site and I thought Medium should definitely be there.

Cool Hunting in turned linked up my Where Design Comes From stuff and signups for the F:E:D newsletter have been flying off the handle again! Props to Josh.

3:15 PM  |  PERMALINK    

Sunday, August 15, 2004
Ok... it's time for 2 things. 3 things really. One: Re-design and re-launch this blog in a new format (it is in the works and looking good, should be soon). Second: Stop working on all my personal sites for while and concentrate on concepting and creating the new v4. Third: Spend some construction hours on the loft and get all the paint stripped off the brick and start to get some of the walls painted and frames hung up.

Ready - go!